EDEN GLEN FARM A taste of Heaven on Earth with the wide open spaces, streams & ponds, mature woods and especially the people I Love :-) GOD IS SO GOOD AND HE PROVES IT EVERYDAY!
I am Kathy and here at Eden Glen Farm I raise quality Nubian Goats with the help and support of my husband Tom and the children, Lauren 23, Seth 20, Levi 18 and Lydia 15. Scroll down to see the family.
Horses, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Sheep, Cows & Donkeys also grace this farm.
Come along and surf my site....it is much easier than being here where we'd give you a pair of boots and a pitch fork and show you the way to the barn!!
The header photo on my website is really one of the fields on our 320 acre farm. The photo was taken from the top of one of our silos by Tom's brother.